Celebrating life, love and the healing power of food

Much to my surprise you are here. Welcome to my grief journey. If this is your first visit to the blog I suggest you read the blog from the beginning at this link, Following in his light.
Grief is a journey with a beginning, but no end
Who am I
First and foremost, I am the proud mom of Caitlin and William and the grand-kids call me "kiki". Bill and I have been married for 44 years currently living just outside of Philadelphia. I didn't know how deep love goes until I lost my son William in a tragic preventable accident.
Second, I am a retired certified Physician Assistant who has always enjoyed the science of medicine, but also that of cooking and baking. It's the cooking and baking that has provided the comfort to get through the loss of my son. Baking therapy is definitely a thing. I am very proud to say that I never lost a patient in my 35 year career as a PA. It was such an honor caring for all those children.
Third, I am a self-taught cook and photographer who has won national recipe contests too numerous to count as well as a few awards for my food photography. I love developing and testing recipes. I hope you will read my blog post about becoming a Food Network CHOPPED Champion. Season 19 episode 10 if you want to watch the show.
Finally, all of the above has led me to this blog and public grief journey. I promise to follow in William's brave light, step outside my comfort zone and in that if I can help just one grieving parent celebrate their child's life then my mission is accomplished.
If you have read this far please accept my heartfelt gratitude. I am happy you are here and always grateful for kindness.
You are never alone and Food is love made edible.
The Latest and Greatest
I am a Food Network CHOPPED CHAMPION (5/6/2014)
TEDx Talk speaker
I am also a certified Food Champ Judge and credentialed Steak Competition and Pizza Association judge. I am happy to travel to your event to judge food competitions.
Contact me: [email protected]
Lisa, you will touch so many hearts with the story of your William. He will be with you every step of the way. And as for your recipes, well... there is no one better than you. I love you, my dear, sweet friend.
Thanks my sweet friend as always for your love and support.
Susan Ross
Lisa, I'm betting your posts will help more people than you will ever know and in so many ways. Thank you for sharing and for spreading your goodness. Love you, Susan
Thank you, Susan. Sadly, I am not the first mom nor will I be the last to lose a child. We all grieve differently, but if I can be helpful to even one then what I am doing is a good thing.
Mary In AZ
Lisa, I admire your courage and openness to share your thoughts.
Has me totally out of my comfort zone as I have always led a very private life
Lisa, What a beautiful tribute to your son. Sharing your courage and love of food will provide inspiration for so many who have suffered the heartache of loss. As you follow in William's light, you provide a ray of hope. I admire you for sharing your very personal experience and your special recipes. All the best,
Such kind words are so appreciated.
Sweet Lisa, I love this blog and I know your beautiful words and delicious recipes will fill many people's souls and belly. Thank you for being brave enough to do this.
Cheering you from CT!
Words of encouragement from you are just priceless. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Dear Lisa
Such a beautiful, touching tribute...my best Middlebury Will memory ... Summertime, Leigh was a napping toddler and Jay Matthew was not home. I was working in the side garden next to our screened porch. The one with the bleeding heart from your plant 🙂
Anyway, I see Will in his camo tee, hopscotching between trees and bushes, Belushi style, stealthily approaching. I pretend not to see him.... As he gets to our yard, he saunters casually over, hands in pocket and asks if Jay can play. When I tell him Jay isn't home, he turns slowly to leave but then turns back to ask if Leigh can play....
I think of that often and smile. I cherish the sweet summer picture of all the kids in your back yard that you had framed in a button frame. When I heard the tragic news, I pulled that photo out. It sits on my desk and makes me smile every time I see it...such happy times and sweet memories.
God bless you and your dear family
Love you
One of the best things about this blog is finding my old friends who have these kind of cherished memories. The "Belushi" style made me smile and tear-up at the same time. Love those days in the old neighborhood. Thank you for sharing and best to you and your family
Amanda O'Sullivan
My heart fills with sympathy and sadness ....... You have a beautiful tribute to Will here. I am a stranger and have come across your blog just by looking around the internet about grief and the armed services. My name is Amanda O'Sullivan my family has also suffered a similar unbearable loss of my Brother SFC Stephen J Perez on April ,28 2012 . Stephen was like Will in his early 20s and had served in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a Army sniper and was part of the 10th mountain div. .Stephen had been home in MA just under a year when he was shot in the back in a parking garage in Boston during a fight or attempted robbery?? we can't be sure.Unfortunately his Murderer fled although identified and has yet to be apprehended by the US Marshals. We are and where very proud of Stephen's service and my other brother Shawn is currently deployed at this time. I would like to thank you and your family for Will's service as well. Most people don't fully understand the sacrifice and stress that the entire family endures when a loved one is deployed.
God bless you and your family,
Amanda O'Sullivan
Thanks for finding me Amanda. I am so sorry about your brother. It makes no sense to me how our brave family members survived real battle fields only to come home and die. It is a great mystery and makes the grief all the more difficult to resolve. There will always be more questions than answers. Please feel free to share more Stephen stories here. He is a great hero to have served his country and family well and we should all get to know him through you. Please thank Shawn as well as the rest of your family for their service and sacrifice. Have you heard of the organization called TAPS (taps.org)? You may also find some comfort there.
Amanda O'Sullivan
No, I haven't heard of them. Thank you I will look into it 🙂 I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy at the same time it gives a sense of relief and comfort that my feelings are understood.
My friends call me Mandi
lisakeys64Lisa keys
Mandi, yes it can be so difficult to find someone who can empathize and understand this pain and I agree 100 percent about not wishing it on anyone. I hope you can find some ways to celebrate your brother. Just remember that he wants you to find joy and happiness. I often hear my son's voice telling me such.
Hi Lisa,
I never post comments online, but I really felt the need to thank you. After watching tonight's episode of Chopped, I wanted to share with you that I was deeply moved by you. Witnessing your strength, humility, courage, openness, love for your family, sense of humor, and fight like hell spirit was such a special gift. Not to mention, you are an amazing chef! I was routing for you right away!
As a therapist, I have had the honor of hearing many people's life stories and joining them on their journeys. I just wanted to share that I think you are very special and an inspiration to many. I am very sorry for the loss of your William. That is a pain I cannot even imagine. Your connection with him through your cooking is a beautiful thing, and your love for your children is obvious. As you mentioned on the show, I fully agree that William would give you the "bad ass" stamp of approval ... not just for winning Chopped, but also for being an amazing mom. You also said you felt proud of yourself for the first time - I am so happy you experienced that and hope that feeling continue to grow each day. You have many... many ... reasons to be proud. Congratulations on your win, and I hope you and your family have a fabulous time in Italy! 🙂
Warm regards,
It takes a great listener to be a great therapist and I believe your patients are so very lucky to have you. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Very happy you watched the show.
Wonderful blog! I just watched Chopped last night. Then I just saw my friend Anna had posted some cookies on her blog, Cookie Madness, and she left a link here about Sweet William's Cookies. While looking through your blog, I totally thought you sound like the lady I just saw win Chopped! How fun! Congrats to you!
Thank you Katrina. I love Anna and Cookie Madness--any friend of hers is a friend of mine
Suzanne Marie DeWitt
I stumbled across your blog completely by accident, and discovered that I'd seen your appearance on chopped. Praying that your efforts and remembrance be blessed, and that your process of healing and recovery be filled with surprise blessings.
Thank you so much Suzanne for your beautiful words. I hope you will continue visit from time to time.
Brenda McKinney
I really enjoy reading your blog. Here lately I've been thinking a lot about Brenton. Our guys left this world way to soon. I love the way you use baking to help with your grief. I know the pain doesn't go away. My father-n-law once told me after losing two of his sons, that it's a pain that never goes away you just have to learn to live with it. I think of your family often and pray for your family to find peace. Brenda
Thanks, Brenda. I would do anything in my power to bring our boys back, but it is impossible. I will never understand it; a cruel fate. These days we just have to find ways to fill our bucket with happy occasions and brighter lights. It is what our boys would want us to do. Love to you and your family.
I am about to pee my pants that I found you!!!!! I too lost my a son (my oldest). I googled dark chocolate and grief and you came up.... We must be a match made in heaven... no pun intended (ok, maybe a ltitle). I can't wait to see what you're cooking up!
Well, I guess those tags "grief", "dark chocolate" really work and I am glad you found me. I am sorry about your son and would love to hear more about you and him.
Janet Godfrey
Good morning Lisa, I happened upon your site while double checking an APO address. I am part of a charity named Operation Veronica. We make, collect and ship items of comfort to those who serve us in uniform around the world. I am crushed by your loss and amazed at your generosity of spirit. I am also a mother and cannot express satisfactorily my gratitude for all your family has done for mine. My children and I are eternally grateful for your sacrifice and endeavor to be worthy of it.
I saw that you have an address on your main page. If that address is still active, or if you have anyone else you would like us to share for us to include in our weekly shipping, please feel invited and encouraged to do so. We can be found on facebook under operation veronica.
You, your family and your sweet William are in our prayers.
With love and prayers
Janet Godfrey
Thank you for your kindness and generosity. I certainly hope my readers will share your information and YES, the address is still active.
Nice to meet you. I am looking forward to following your blog, and trying out your recipes. Merry Christmas
Thanks, Nita. Holidays are a little tough around here, but we always get through. I have read some of your blog and am wishing you new and sweet traditions for your holidays. Try hiding an ornament in the Christmas tree and give a small prize to the child who finds it. We always hid an ornament in the shape of a pickle. The green is good camouflage.
That is a great suggestion! Thank you.
Kay Windsor
Thanks for sharing your journey and all of your photos and recipes. I believe you must be following your William's light. ( Thanks for reading some of our blog too. We have a recipe for chocolate from a wonderful French chef who fed us when our group of bereaved mothers traveled for our tenth anniversary together. fartheralongbook.com/recipes
I love what you moms are doing. I will be picking up your book.
Julie Rainbow
Thank you for this blog. You are an inspiration and a comfort to many...in multiple ways. You are a gift, Lisa Keys!
So kind-thank you. BTW-I am certain you have heard it before-I love your last name.
Nosheen Babar
Your story is poignant and beautiful, I’m so sorry for your loss. Happy you found healing through your cooking and can’t wait to try your recipes
Welcome Nosheen. I'm so glad you are here. There really is something so therapeutic about cooking and baking. I highly recommend these activities to anyone who needs some positive coping skills.
I always, always read & appreciate your blogs, comments & admire the recipes. I Love the way you teach about grief and ways to talk about loss. We love you and thinking about you & Bill & William as well as the rest of the gang.
Wendy & Paul
Lisa Keys
Best friends ever. Thank you and love always.